Thursday, May 8, 2008

The First Post

If you're stumbling across this blog, then first off- You're early. We haven't started uploading any content- however we are working on it. Feel free to bookmark us and check back soon. We hope to update regularly and do some affiliates.

I don't know if I'm the only one, but sometimes when life if flying by me- or falling on me- I'm often reminded of music. Some people call it "the soundtrack of your life." From out of the blue I remember a song or song lyrics that just fit the situation I find myself in. I've recently been exploring some of the other music blogs on the Internet and thought to myself "I should do one of those." So together with my partner in life I decided to give it a go. Here you will find some of the music we both adore and devour on a daily basis. Along with some of our life history that may or may not relate to the songs.

I'll try to keep it simple and not bore anyone too bad. *evil grin*

I don't plan on taking any requests for postings, however I don't anticipate that will stop some of you from asking. So go ahead- you never know what may happen.

All music is for sampling only. If you like what you hear then go buy the artists work. I only intend on actually putting unavailable stuff for downloading, but that shouldn't stop you from actually supporting these beautiful souls who create "the soundtrack of our lives."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice intro :)
I totally forgot to put something like that in my first post. However, my first post is about my favourite artist so it's fine :D